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My name is Abhimanyu and I fought a battle when I was 16......


Well, my story doesn't start from my birth. It is further before. When I was in my mothers womb. A lot of you might have heard about me. Might have read about me. And also I may be a total stranger for few of you.

I have got many names. Some among them are 'Arjun putra', 'Subhadranandan', 'Krishna Shishya' and 'Raudra dhari'. I was born to one of the greatest warrior at that time, the 3rd Pandava. My mothers name was Subhadra, the half sister of none other than the lord Krishna.

Blessed I was to be in the womb of my mother because I got to know about the battles at that time itself. It was my destiny and it started from there. On that fine day when my mother was with with my maternal uncle driving somewhere. Uncle who was driving chariot was explaining about one of the interesting battlefield formation called Chakravyuha. It turned out that my mother was not interested in it but I was. A stillborn, who was slowly gaining consciousness. But unfortunately my uncle stopped explaining as he noticed that my mother had slept. And I, in the womb, remained with half knowledge.

When I was 3 years old, my father went to Vanavasa. I spent most of my childhood in Dwaraka where I did my learning from Pradhyumna, Krishna and Balarama. Being the grandson of Indra and son of mighty Arjuna, I feared nothing. They said my time here is limited. I was not worried as I knew death is not the end. In fact it is liberation. I was born for a purpose. This life was just to fulfill that purpose. Not to conquer the world. Not to conquer anyone. Not to build an empire. Just to prove my worth on that one day. The 13th day of Kurukshetra battle.

Yes, it was the 13th day of Kurukshetra battle when world got to know about me. Got to know about my valor. Got to know about bravery of a young lad who was just 16 years old. That day changed the course of war. Kaurava's Chief-in-army Drona has formed a Chakravyuha and challenged Pandavas. The plan was to capture my paternal uncle Yudhistira and to end the war. They  knew that only people who can dismantle Chakravyuha are Krishna and my father and both of them are busy in fighting Trigartas. And uncle Yudhistira has accepted the challenge of Drona as only cowards can refuse to accept a challenge.

There were serious discussions and tensions on our side. To decide how to proceed. Nobody knew how to  break through the vyuha. And I, who was standing there listening to them, cursed with my half knowledge. My inner self was screaming  - " This is the time! The time you waited for. The time to prove your worth". I went to my uncle and told him that I know how to break through the formation. At beginning they weren't ready for it. For they don't wanted to put a 16 year old boy into grave danger. It took time to convince them that I am equal to my father, can fight anyone in the world and I am possessing the Raudra. They agreed. They had no option. Said, they will follow me inside so that they can find a path to break out from the formation once we get in.

The war began. Never has excited so much in my life.  After all I was fighting for Dharma. Fighting for justice. Fighting for vengeance. My father and uncles have had gone through lot of hardships and injustice. There was a lot to pay back to our enemies. Today will be the day of payback. Payback with interest. 

Breaking the formation wasn't tough as I was born for it. Only thing was my side was unable to follow me inside the formation. They were blocked at entrance. I wasn't worried. My focus was to induce the fear in Kauravas army. To show them how fear looked like. To show them how death looks like. My charioteer was hesitant. He was not sure about me. It took time to convince him that even entire Kaurava army is not equal to one sixteenth of my power. I can stand against any one in the world including Bhagvan Vishnu himself. Nobody can frighten me in the world.

My first encounter was with Lakshmana, the son of Duryodhana. Poor guy who came on my way. Couldn't stand a fight against me. Then came, Rukmaratha, Drighalocahana, Sushena and many more. Slayed single one of them. They weren't match to me. Then came Karna's brother who couldn't escape the death bow. The angry Karna himself was in front of me. Wanted to avenge the death of his brother. But who will tell him that he can't defeat me single-handedly. It did not take much time to defeat him and I saw him fleeing away from the battle field.

Then came Dushysana, the mighty warrior who pulled down the saree of my step mother.  I would have almost killed him if it was not for Drona and Shallya. Dushyasana fainted and their army-in-chief Drona led a attack on me. I was eager. Wanted to test the power of a man who taught my father. No, I am not impressed. Hours of battle and even he can't stand against me. Neither Shallya.

Battled with many ordinary as well as powerful warriors of their army. Killed most of them. Some escaped. My arrows were heavy on them. It was already hours I was fighting single-handedly inside Chakravyuha. I was trapped but not frightened. I knew none of these can defeat me. They need to still learn about battles. How battles are fought. I continued slaying their army. Reducing their count. I could see Duryodhana was furious. Karna came back after recovering. Drona was with them discussing. I was ready for any of their tactics. But not aware that they were about to break the code of war. They were about to break the rules of battle. Only flashed to me when I got a hit from back. Karna, the great warrior of Kurukshetra has attacked me from backside. On the instructions of Drona. Such a shame!! He cut off my bow. And as I was trying to understand what's happening, two bows pierced through the heart of my charioteer. It was Kripa who killed him. Again standing somewhere instead of in front of me. Cowards!! 

Without bow and Chariot they thought I go powerless. I still hated their underestimation towards me. I jumped to the battlefield with swords in my hands. Let enemies have a closure look at me. I was furious that I got cheated in one of the greatest battles ever fought and that was too by the most honored men. My swords swung like anything. Hundreds of heads were cut off. I was relentless. 

Again to my surprise, arrows coming from different side cutoff my swords. It was Drona and Karna. Shamelessly attacking enemy from two sides. Breaking all the rules of war. Hold on...!!. It's not just two sides. Looks like they have surrounded me in a circle. Yes, they had gathered all around me. I had no weapons. Drona was looking at me anticipating my defeat. One can take the weapon but can't take the courage. The broken chariot was lying beside me. I just took the wheel of chariot and stood up. They weren't expecting this. Started rotating it till it gained the momentum. I could see their eyes. Still afraid. Fear in them. Not sure of whom the wheel will target. I could have slayed hundreds of them with that wheel alone but my target was Drona. Rotated it and swung it with full force towards him. But Ashwathama and Karna had already anticipated it and saved him from by cutting off the wheel in mid air. 

First time in that moment, after fighting alone for hours, I felt week. I missed the target. Failure. Might be the sign of end. Didn't think of much. Grabbed the mace and destroyed the chariot of Ashwathama. He was able to escape out of it. I didn't care. I was angry. I was mad. I was tired. One of the brother of Shakuni came to fight me and one blow from my mace was enough for him to take the last breath. It was a random hit. Not well targeted one. But it served its purpose. Next came Durmasana, son of Dushyasna. The mace fight broke between us. The final  fight. Gave the blows. Received equal blows. Kept on fighting and for once, both of us were able to put a blow to each others head and fell on the ground. That was it. My destiny. I was sure that it was my final fall for I knew this was the day. It looks like he was able to get up from the blow and hit me with the mace on my head. The final one.

I served my purpose with my limited time here. I pity for Uttara, whom I married just few months back. But she carries my child and hope that she will do good with that. I don't have to worry about what happened after that but I know Dharma wins in the end. At whatever cost it has to take.

This is all my story. A boy who lived for just 16 years. Had one day glory. And remembered forever.


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